
"the Group"

a Calvary Chatt Original Series

(Click picture to watch the pilot)

About this Project

The Small Groups Ministry has been working on this project since early summer. It all started as an idea in a staff meeting, over 2 years ago, when we discussed the need to revamp our small group training. We all agreed:

  • Talking heads are boring!
  • No one is knocking down the doors to join another seminar or training session!

So, it prompted the thought: What if we could make training more…entertaining?

Thus, the birth of enterTRAINing: a fun new concept of educating our people with the reality of the drama, arguments, discussions, personality quirks, challenging scenarios, and real life problems that occur within a small group…in a humorous way.

Our goal is to shepherd our group leaders and members to understand what a healthy group culture should be. This will be demonstrated with: on-going character development, enjoyable storylines, and a healthy dose of real-life scenarios they might face!

Our small group leaders will also have access to application questions and episode summaries that include the subtleties and nuances each show has to improve their awareness and challenges them to become better group leaders themselves.

Do you want to be involved in this project?

Discover how you can participate in this series by: donating in our crowd funding option, sharing your talent as an experienced on-camera performer, a set builder, a production crew member with equipment knowledge, editing knowledge, or any experienced service provider to assist us in other production departments. You can help us with your expertise! Please click the button below to let us know how you'd like to help us!