

Newborn - 4th Grade

Saturdays 4 pm + 6 pm
Sundays 9 am + 11 am

A place to ESTABLISH their faith in Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus told a parable about two builders and the one whose house was established on the rock withstood the storm.  We want to create a fun environment where children can grow in their understanding of the word of God and the person of Jesus, so that they will have a strong and biblical foundation to build upon as they head into their middle school years.

We exist to shepherd children

We exist to support the family

We exist to proclaim the person of
Jesus Christ through the entirety of Scripture

New family Registration

Enter your family information
here to make checking in your
 kids a breeze!

CalvaryKIDS at Home!

We've got you covered!
A link to this week's videos,
activity sheets, crafts, and lessons
are available here.

CalvaryKIDS Special Needs

Our desire is to come alongside families, helping to meet their unique physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Being that each situation is different, we work to develop an individualized plan to ensure what is best for you.
Questions? Email us for more information: [email protected]

CalvaryKIDS Volunteers

We believe in being above reproach. That’s why all our volunteers undergo a background check and follow specific rules for the weekend. We are dedicated to providing a safe environment where your children are loved and cared for and where you can enjoy your worship experience worry free.

Subscribe to our Regroup Newsletter

Join our monthly newsletter designed to help and encourage families to “Regroup” with one another.
Each month will feature an encouraging short video, an in depth article pertaining to various parenting topics, recommended resources,
practical steps toward reaching goals, and a Q & A segment that anyone can be a part of!
Sign up today and join all the other parents who are making steps towards  a much needed “Regroup"!

Subscribe to our Regroup Newsletter

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